[Raumänderung!] Vortrag von Russell Miller - "The Purpose and Practice of Precedent"
Russell Miller (J.B. Stombock Professor of Law an der Washington and Lee School of Law und Gründer sowie Herausgeber des German Law Journal) wird am 5. März 2024 um 18 Uhr s. t. in HS 1009 (KG1) sein Forschungsprojekt „The Purpose and Practice of Precedent“ vorstellen:
„The doctrine of stare decisis - the principle that past precedent should provide the controlling rule in present cases - is a cornerstone of the rule of law in Common Law systems. The doctrine provides the main lens through which the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court are understood, studied, and progressively adapted. But, like so many other established principles, the doctrine of stare decisis is undergoing a revolutionary change, a development necessitated by the Supreme Court's pursuit of a new conservative constitutional agenda. This presentation describes the established practice of precedent and then explains that, in the 2022 Dobbs decision (which annulled the constitutional right to abortion), the Court also radically revised the doctrine of stare decisis.“
Um eine Anmeldung bis zum 4. März 2024 an ioeffr1@jura.uni-freiburg.de wird gebeten.
Aufgrund der erfreulich hohen Zahl an Anmeldungen wird der Vortrag nicht in der Werthmannstraße sondern in HS 1009 im Kollegiengebäude I stattfinden.