The Institute for History of Law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
The Institute for History of Law and Comparative Legal History was founded in 1929, the first specialised institute of the former faculty of state sciences. It is composed of two departments: the Germanistic branch is dedicated to the history of German and European law, and the Romanistic branch is concerned with legal history of the antiquity, in particular Roman law and Greek laws.
Research in the legal history of antiquity has a long tradition in Freiburg. The work of great scholars such as Fridolin Eisele, Otto Lenel, Fritz Pringsheim and Hans Julius Wolff has contributed to the national and international reputation of the Freiburg faculty.Research in the legal history of antiquity has a long tradition in Freiburg. The work of great scholars such as Fridolin Eisele, Otto Lenel, Fritz Pringsheim and Hans Julius Wolff has contributed to the national and international reputation of the Freiburg faculty.
The romanistic department is chaired by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaiser, who succeeded Prof. Dr. Detlef Liebs in the summer semester of 2005
Places for study
Opening times of the library: Monday – Thursday: 8.30 am – 4 pm; Friday: 8.30 am – 2.30 pm.
The institute's library is a reference library. Its holdings are therefore always available and can be consulted at the study places in the two quiet library rooms (library and journals room), which allow comfortable and concentrated working in a calm atmosphere.
Doctorands and visiting scholars can apply for an assigned study place.
The library is available only for study in the field of legal history.
The holdings of the institute's library can be researched in the electronic catalogue of the university library.