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Research Interests



List of English publications (as of September 2023)

Complete list of publications (German) (as of September 2023)



Research Interests


  • Public law
  • German and European Information Law
  • European and Comparative Administrative Law (also see the ReNEUAL Homepage)
  • Infrastructural Law (in particular Energy and Telecommunication Law)
  • Public Economic Law and Environmental Law
  • Administrative Science



Current Collaborative projects and Research Cooperations




Previous projects


  • since 2013: appointed as project reporter by the European Law Institute for the project „Towards Restatement and Best Practices Guidelines on EU Administrative Procedural Law“ [Homepage]
  • since 2012: Board member of the FMER-funded Competence Network for the right of civil security in Europe (KORSE) [homepage]
  • since 2012: Co-head of the DFG-funded research project "legal requirements for the architecture of information systems as elements of administrative single-decision-making and norm-setting processes in the EU" (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Herwig Hofmann, Univ. Luxembourg) [homepage]
  • since 2009: Coordinator of the Research Network on EU Administrative Law - ReNEUAL (in cooperation with Prof. Herwig Hofmann, Univ. Luxembourg) [homepage]
  • 2009-2012: Member of the interdisciplinary project “Energy Storages and Virtual Power Plants for the Integration of Renewable Energies into the Power Supply. Potentials, Innovation Barriers and Implementation Strategies” - Europäischen Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen (Bad Neuenahr, Germany) [homepage]
  • 2009: Member of the panel of experts on “priorities in energy research – socioscientific, humanistic, juridicial, economic and scientific system aspects” - Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the National Academy Leopoldina (Germany) [homepage]
  • 2007-2010: Member of the core team of the Osnabrück Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies (scientific director: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Tömmel) funded by the European Commission [homepage]
  • 2007: Co-applicant for the partnership between the European Legal Studies Institute, department “European Public Law”, and the chair of Administrative Law at the Kardynal Wyszynski Uniwersytet Warszawa (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Irena Lipowicz) funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • 2007: Member of the panel of legal experts on the EuroSparks project on cross-border prosecution of traffic law violations (with Professor Patrick Birkinshaw (Hull, Research Director), Prof. Dr. Andrea Biondi (King's College London), Prof. Jean-Bernard Auby (Sciences Po, Paris), Dr mr. Mirjam Freudenthal (Universiteit Utrecht)) funded by the European Commission [homepage]
  • since 2006: Scientific director of the annual "International Seminar on European and Comparative Public Law" by the Universities of Birmingham, Freiburg (until 2010: Osnabrück), Strasbourg (until 2011, Orléans), Oxford and Tilburg [homepage]
  • 2006/2007: Scientific director of a German-Spanish research group “principles and procedures of the European administrative union” (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Velasco, Madrid, funded by the DAAD and the Spanish Ministry of Research)
  • since 2005: Founding member of the international Dornburg Study Group, with its series of comparative law conferences “Transformation of Administrative Law in Europe” (Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Ruffert) [homepage]
  • 2001-2006: Member of the working group “Spatial aspects of new developments relating the energy policy in the Federal Republic of Germany” - Academy for Spatial Research and Planning Hannover (Germany)
  • 2001-2002: Member of the panel of experts on “constitutional questions of embryo research and PGD” - Federal Ministry of Justice (Germany)