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Symposium "Law and Legal Reality"


Opening of the Symposium by Prof. Dr. Yuanshi Bu

Symposium "Law and Legal Reality - A Chinese-German Dialogue on the Procedural Realisation of Private Claims", Freiburg 25th and 26th of June 2010
In both China and Germany "to be right" does not necessarily have to mean "to get one's rights". The Symposium "Law and Legal Reality" was therefore dedicated to the intersection between substantive law and procedural possibilities of law enforcement. Notable legal academics form China and Germany adressed problems arising in the fields of property law, corporate law, capital market and securities law, antitrust law and labour law. 




Keynote Speeches

Zhang Cheng    Stürner nah

             Prof. Zhang Cheng                                      Prof. Dr. Rolf Stürner

Panel Keynote Speeches

                                    Moderation: Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Dieter Leipold


Property Law

Wang Hongliang  Bruns

            Prof. Dr. Wang Hongliang                                 Prof. Dr. Alexander Bruns


Corporate Law

Panel Gesellschaftsrecht

v.l.n.r.: Moderation: Prof. Dr. Uwe Blaurock, Prof. Dr. Peter Jung, Prof. Dr. Liu Junhai


Capital Market and Securities Law

Fan Yu  Tang Xin  Stadler

                    Prof. Dr. Fan Yu                    Prof. Dr. Tang Xin                        Prof. Dr. Astrid Stadler

Panel Kapitalmarktrecht

                                                                       Moderation: Prof. Dr. Rolf Stürner


Labour Law

Zhou Changzheng  Krebber

                           Prof. Dr. Zhou Changzheng                                   Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krebber

Panel Arbeitsrecht

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Bu Yuanshi


Antitrust Law

Fang Xiaomin  Bornkamm

                             Prof. Dr. Fang Xiaomin                                          Prof. Dr. Joachim Bornkamm

Panel Kartellrecht

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Boris Paal