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Responsible AI


Already today the development and use of intelligent systems heavily impacts many different sectors including industrial production, health care, military technology and data processing. This raises important philosophical, ethical, legal, social and political questions concerning the interaction between humans and AI. Due to their nature, these questions require a multidisciplinary research approach.

The FRIAS Saltus! Group Responsible Artificial Intelligence started in fall 2018 as FRIAS Research Focus 2018/2019 and consists of Prof. Wolfram Burgard (Robotics), Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer (Medicine), Prof. Oliver Müller (Philosophy) and Prof. Silja Vöneky (Law). The research group’s aim is to develop a framework for development and use of AI that is ethically, legally and politically viable and sustainable, but still has the potential for social innovation and progress. This framework for a responsible AI would serve as an alternative to the largely unregulated ‘disruptive AI” of big technology companies and the 'dystopic AI' used for social control and coercion.

In order to incorporate international and interdisciplinary perspectives on the effective governance of AI, the research group will bring together internal and guest researchers from various fields at the FRIAS.


Members of the research group

Prof. Burgard


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfram Burgard                                                      
Department of Computer Science, University of Freiburg                            
Autonomous Intelligent Systems Lab


For more information about the person, click here

Dr. Kellmeyer


Dr. med. Philipp Kellmeyer
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Freiburg – Medical Center
Translational Neurotechnology Lab (AG Ball)


For more information about the person, click here.

Prof. Müller


Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller
Department of Philosophy, University of Freiburg
Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools
Bernstein Center Freiburg


For more information about the person, click here

Prof. Vöneky


Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky
Institute of Public Law, Department 2 - Public International Law and Ethics of LawUniversity of Freiburg






Upcoming Events

November 25th – 27th, 2019: Expert Workshop on ‘AI and Neurotechnologies” (Fondation Brocher)


Past Events

Every Thursday in Summer Semester 2019, 12.15 pm -1 pm: FRIAS Lunch Lecture Series 2019 on ‘Intelligences. A multidisciplinary exploration of human and artificial intelligence”, Location: Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1009                          

Every Saturday in Summer Semester 2019, 11 am: Saturday-University (‘Samstags-Uni”) on ‘Die digtale Revolution”, Location: Freiburg University, KG II, HS 2004,

June 21th, 2019, 4 pm: Discussion between Prof. Wolfram Burgard (University of Freiburg) and the artists Sammy and Fritz Boogie about their collaboration on ‘Ansichtssache’, Location: City railway No. 4 between ‘Zähringen’ and ‘Messe’

June 22th, 2019, 11 am: Talk by Prof. Wolfram Burgard, Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer, Prof. Oliver Müller and Prof. Silja Vöneky on ‚Verantwortlicher Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz: Ein Europäischer Weg?‘ as part of the lecture series ‚Samstags-Uni‘, Location: HS 2004, KG II, Platz der alten Synagoge 1

June 24th, 2019, 6 pm: Talk by the artist Sare on „Wo kommen wir denn da hin, wenn KIs zum Spiegel menschlicher Intelligenz werden?, Location: Friedrichstraße 56, 79098 Freiburg

June 24th, 2019, 8 pm: Talk by Dr. Klaus Mainzer (TU Munich) on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz – wann übernehmen die Maschinen?’, Location: Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1199, Platz der alten Synagoge 1

June 25th, 2019, 6 pm: Talk by Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek (University of Frankfurt) on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz und Willensfreiheit”, Location: Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1015, Platz der alten Synagoge 1

July, 12th, 2019, 4 pm: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on ‘Sollen wir autonome Waffen verbieten?’ as part of the lecture series ‘Junge Universität’, Location: Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1010

June 6th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Silja Vöneky (FRIAS; Freiburg University) on ‘How Should we Regulate AI? A Starting Point’

May 24th and 25th, 2019: Seminar for law students on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz – Aktuelle und grundlegende Fragen der Rechtsphilosophie und des nationalen, europäischen und internationalen öffentlichen Rechts”, Location: FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, 79104 Freiburg

April 24th, 2019: HUMSS presentation by Johanna Thoma, LSE on ‘Risk Aversion and Rationality: Dilemmas for the Design of Autonomous Artificial Agents” at FRIAS

April 11th and 12th, 2019: Workshop by Marcello Ienca (ETH Zürich), Philipp Kellmeyer (FRIAS; University Medical Centre Freiburg)), Silja Vöneky (FRIAS; University of Freiburg ) on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz, Neurotechnologie und Gehirndaten: Ethische und rechtliche Aspekte und Herausforderungen für Forschung und Verbraucherschutz’ at FRIAS

January 28 th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Director of the Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim) on ‘Opportunities and Challenges of AI-Systems in Medicine and Neuroscience”

December 19th, 2018: Talk by AssProf. Johanna Thoma (London School of Economics) on philosophical aspects of the precautionary principle as a tool for risk management of emerging technologies

December 8th, 2018: Public outreach and science communication event on invasive medical technologies and body image at the FRIAS

December 3rd, 2018: Master class for PhD student and PostDocs by Nobel Laureate Prof. Thomas Südhof (Standford University) at the FRIAS

November 29th, 2018: Talk by Prof. Wolfram Burgard and Dr. Benedikt Wolfers (Posser Spieth Wolfers & Partners law firm, Berlin) on the technical and legal challences of autonomous vehicles

October 23rd, 2018: Kick-off event about the work plan and key ideas of the research focus Responsible Artificial Intelligence