Faculty Exchange
General Information
Within the faculty exchange program international students have the possibility to apply for one or two semesters to study at University of Freiburg - Faculty of Law. Currently, we have partnerships with the following faculties:
Argentina - Buenos Aires: Universidad Austral, Facultad de Derecho
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Direito
- São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Direito
Chile - Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Derecho
China - Peking: Tsinghua University, School of Law
Japan - Tokyo: Keio University Faculty of Law, the Graduate School of Law and the Law School
Before arriving
I. Nomination
First, the international coordinator of the home country needs to nominate their students via email to international@jura.uni-freiburg.de
The nomination deadlines are May 15th (for winter semester) or November 15th (for summer semester).
After the nominations, the application process begins:
II. Application for the University
- Application form (“Antrag auf Zulassung”)
- Transcript of records
- CV
- Proof of German language knowledge (B1)
- Certificate of enrolment at home university
- Copy of passport
Please send the completed application form as soon as possible but no later than July 15th (for winter term) or January 15th (for summer term) to:
Auslandsbüro Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Charlotte Willmann
Erbprinzenstraße 17a
79085 Freiburg
Once we have received and checked the application documents we will send an invitation letter to the student and start the official application process at the International Admissions and Services Office. The International Admissions and Services Office will then issue a letter of acceptance, which is needed in order to apply for a student visa.
Please note that the invitation letter is send under the precondition of admission by the general administration of the University.
III. Scholarships
Information about scholarships you’ll find here https://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/de/beratung/stipendien
IV. Student resident halls
Please send the student resident halls application directly to the Studentenwerk Freiburg. Information and application: www.swfr.de/en/residence/student-residence/information-about-online-application/
Applications are generally possible between July 15th – August 31st for winter semester, and January 15th – February 28th for summer semester.
There is only a limited number of rooms - if you are not given a room in one of the student resident halls, please check also the private room market.
During your stay
You can find the course catalogue on the HISinOne page. Go to "Studienangebot" then "Vorlesungsverzeichnis anzeigen" Note: Please change the setting to winter semester 2018/19 and look up your law courses under: "Staatsexamen > Rechtswissenschaften (Erste juristische Prüfung)".
- At the end of the semester you can check on our website at „Aktuelles” if the certificate of your “Schein” has arrived at our office. After that we will start to prepare your transcript of records.
- If your transcript of records is not ready yet when you leave the city, please make sure to leave a contact address so we can send the hard copies to you afterwards.
After your stay
- Please keep in contact with us until you get your transcript of records.
V. Contact
For further questions please get in touch with Ms Willmann at the International Office of the Faculty of Law:
- Via e-mail: international@jura.uni-freiburg.de
- Via telephone: 0049 761 203 2185.