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Neuerscheinung zu Biosicherheit ab 4. September 2018

Science Magazin

Guy Reeves, Silja Voeneky, Christophe Boete, Felix Beck, Derek Caetano-Anolles, Agricultural research, or a new bioweapon and its means of delivery? Science 2018 (Paper accepted for Publication; will be published 4/10/2018).


Background Information:
Biological Weapons Convention
ENMOD Convention
Silja Voeneky, Biosecurity - Freedom, Responsibility and Legitimacy, Ordnung der Wissenschaft2/2014, 117-128
Silja Voeneky, Ruediger Wolfrum, Environment, Protection in Armed Conflict, in R. Wolfrum (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford 2012, Vol. III, 509-518,


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