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Responsible AI



Already today, the development and use of intelligent systems heavily impacts many different sectors, including industrial production, health care, military technology and data processing. This raises important philosophical, ethical, legal, social and political questions concerning the interaction between humans and AI. Due to their nature, these questions require a multidisciplinary research approach.

In order to incorporate international and interdisciplinary perspectives on the effective governance of AI, the research group brings together researchers from various fields.

At our virtual conference in June 2020 we discussed some of the most pressing technological, philosophical, ethical and legal challenges of AI and AI Systems for the next decade from a global and transdisciplinary perspective. To this end we welcomed researchers, scholars, experts from various fields, and lawmakers to exchange thoughts and ideas about fundamental and specific key elements of responsible AI. The virtual exchange with participants from different continents (Asia, Australia, USA, and Europe) and from different disciplines (AI, computer science, medicine, neurosciences, philosophy, and law) gave an opportunity to find a common basis and new answers to pressing questions of AI governance and regulation. For more information have a look at the videos from our conference. For further information on the conference and the videos, click here; or for the program and abstracts see here.


Podcasts and Presentations

January 31st, 2024: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky and Prof Dr. Frank HutterAdaptive Zukunft?! Neue Technologien, KI, Ethik und Recht - Herausforderungen für das 21. JahrhundertScience meets Politics, Stuttgart

January 24th, 2024Presentation by Silja Voeneky, "Responsible AI, Law and Ethics: Ideal World versus Real World Approaches?"  Marburger Vorträge (via Zoom), University of Marburg

December 7th, 2020: Talk by Prof. Dr. Wilfried Hinsch (University of Cologne) on "Differences that make a difference - Statistical profiling and fairness to individuals"

June 25th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek (University of Frankfurt) on "Künstliche Intelligenz und Willensfreiheit”

December 19th, 2018: Talk by Ass. Prof. Johanna Thoma (London School of Economics) on "Time for Caution - An Intertemporal Perspective on the Precautionary Principle"

November 29th, 2018: Talk by RA Dr. Benedikt Wolfers, M.A. on "Automatisiertes und Autonomes Fahren: Aktuelle Fragen aus Sicht des Regulierungsrechts"


Selected Publications

S. Voeneky/P. Kellmeyer/O. Müller/W. Burgard (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, (CUP 2022)

T. Schmidt/S. Voeneky, Fostering the Common Good: An Adaptive Approach Regulating High-Risk AI-Driven Products and Services, in Voeneky/Kellmeyer/Müller/Burgard (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (CUP 2022), 123-149

S. Vöneky, Regulating AI in Non-Military Applications: Lessons Learned, in: Geiss/Lahmann (Hrsg.), Research Handbook on Warfare and Artificial Intelligence (zusammen mit Thorsten Schmidt) (erscheint Juli 2024)


Cooperations and Fellows 

Human Rights Research Consortium - HRRC

ELLIS Freiburg

Ass.Prof. Dr. Johanna Thoma, London School of Economics

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schmidt, Freiburg University

Prof. Dr. Mathias Risse, Harvard School of Government

Prof. Haksoo Ko, Seoul National University



April 4th, 2023: Statement for the Science Media Center on the Risk of current AI-Research

April 4th, 2023: Brauchen wir eine KI-Pause?, mdr Wissen

April 3rd, 2023: "Man kann Technologie nicht mit Verboten aufhalten": Diskussion um ChatGPT-Regulierung in Deutschland, Handelsblatt Online

April 2nd, 2023: ChatGPT & Co.: Arbeitspause für mächtige Sprachmodelle - Streit unter Experten, heise online,

April 1st, 2023: Brauchen wir eine KI-Pause?, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

March 30th, 2023: S. Voeneky, Interview "Moratorium Künstliche Intelligenz - Lässt sich künstliche Intelligenz in Bahnen lenken?", Deutschlandfunk Kultur

November 3rd, 2020: Statement of Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "TAB Bericht über Autonome Waffensysteme vom Oktober 2020", Science Media Center Deutschland 

July 11th, 2019: Interview with Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Es gibt eine große Gefahr einer Verantwortungslücke" on the talk about the increasing importance of autonomous weapons, Badische Zeitung 

March 30th, 2019: Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Ohne Daten geht nichts", Badische Zeitung

February 18th, 2019: Citation of Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky in "Künstliche Intelligenz - Die Schreibmaschine", Wirtschaftswoche

November 14th, 2018: Interview with Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky and Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard on "Risiken der künstlichen Intelligenz", Baden-TV Süd

October 29th, 2018: Interview with Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on autonomous cars, Info-Kanal SRF4 News (Schweizer Rundfunk) and Kultur-Kanal SRF2 (swiss radio and television)

October, 24th, 2018: Statement on the study "Moral Machine Experiment" in "Welcher Ethik sollten autonome Autos folgen?", Science Media Center, also cited in: Die Zeit, watson, Neue Presse, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Automobilwoche, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Westfälische Rundschau, Neue Ruhr Zeitung, Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung, Westfalenpost, Autohaus, Tagesspiegel, Heute, Peiner Nachrichten, Der Westen, Morgenpost, Abendblatt, Salzgitter Zeitung, Braunschweiger Zeitung, Helmstedter Nachrichten, Wolfenbütteler Zeitung

July 28th, 2018: Citation of Prof. Dr Silja Vöneky on "Künstliche Intelligenz: Denkende Maschinen", Reutlinger General-Anzeiger

June 29th, 2018: Citation of Prof. Dr. Silja Vönkey in "Der Computer greift nach dem Chefposten", RiffReporter

June 27th, 2018: Citation of Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky in "Rapid Reaction: Künstliche Intelligenz - Enquete-Kommission soll Bundestag beraten", Science Media Center

June 7th, 2018: Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky and Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer on "Das Ende der Gedankenfreiheit?", Podcast Bayerischer Rundfunk

May 5th, 2018: Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky and Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer on "re:publica: Ruf nach Schutz von Hirndaten vor kommerzieller Auswertung", heise online


Past Events

January 24th 2024: Workshop by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Fairness and AI" at FRIAS

February 1st, 2020: Philosophical Workshop by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Property Rights - Commentary on Mathias Risse, Harvard School of Governance", University of Cologne

November 26th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "The Legal Boundaries of Neurotechnology" at the Expert Workshop on ‘Closing the Regulatory Gap for Consumer Neurotechnology”, Fondation Brocher, Geneva, November 25th - 27th, 2019

October 2nd, 2019, 6 pm: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Wie lässt sich Künstliche Intelligenz regulieren? Eine Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts", Rathaus Saarbrücken-St. Johann (Festsaal)

September 26th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights - Disruptive Technologies, Dynamic Law", Seoul National University (Picture)

September 21th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Disruptive Technologies, Dynamic Law" at the 2nd International Forum on Computational Law, Digital Economy Governance and Legal Tech Innovation, Tsinghua University, Beijing (Picture)

July 12th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Sollen wir autonome Waffen verbieten?" within the framework of the Young University ("Junge Universität") Freiburg

Every Thursday in Summer Semester 2019, 12.15 pm -1 pm: FRIAS Lunch Lecture Series 2019 on ‘Intelligences. A multidisciplinary exploration of human and artificial intelligence”, Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1009

Every Saturday in Summer Semester 2019, 11 am: Saturday-University (‘Samstags-Uni”) on ‘Die digtale Revolution”, Freiburg University, KG II, HS 2004,

June 21rst, 2019:, 11 am Talk by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfram Burgard, Dr. med. Philipp Kellmeyer und Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Verantwortlicher Umgang mit der Künstlichen Intelligenz: Ein europäischer Weg?" within the framework of the Saturday-University on "The digital Revolution" (video recording follows soon)

June 21th, 2019, 4 pm: Discussion between Prof. Wolfram Burgard (University of Freiburg) and the artists Sammy and Fritz Boogie about their collaboration on ‘Ansichtssache’, City railway No. 4 between ‘Zähringen’ and ‘Messe’

June 22th, 2019, 11 am: Talk by Prof. Wolfram Burgard, Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer, Prof. Oliver Müller and Prof. Silja Vöneky on ‚Verantwortlicher Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz: Ein Europäischer Weg?‘ as part of the lecture series ‚Samstags-Uni‘, HS 2004, KG II

June 24th, 2019, 6 pm: Talk by the artist Sare on „Wo kommen wir denn da hin, wenn KIs zum Spiegel menschlicher Intelligenz werden?, Freiburg

June 24th, 2019, 8 pm: Talk by Dr. Klaus Mainzer (TU Munich) on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz – wann übernehmen die Maschinen?’, Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1199

June 25th, 2019, 6 pm: Talk by Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek (University of Frankfurt) on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz und Willensfreiheit”, Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1015

July, 12th, 2019, 4 pm: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on ‘Sollen wir autonome Waffen verbieten?’ as part of the lecture series ‘Junge Universität’, Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1010

June 6th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Silja Vöneky (FRIAS; Freiburg University) on "How Should we Regulate AI? A Starting Point" (Abstract)

May 24th and 25th, 2019: Seminar for law students on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz – Aktuelle und grundlegende Fragen der Rechtsphilosophie und des nationalen, europäischen und internationalen öffentlichen Rechts” at FRIAS

April 24th, 2019: HUMSS presentation by Johanna Thoma, LSE on ‘Risk Aversion and Rationality: Dilemmas for the Design of Autonomous Artificial Agents” at FRIAS

April 11th and 12th, 2019: Workshop by Marcello Ienca (ETH Zürich), Philipp Kellmeyer (FRIAS; University Medical Centre Freiburg)), Silja Vöneky (FRIAS; University of Freiburg ) on ‘Künstliche Intelligenz, Neurotechnologie und Gehirndaten: Ethische und rechtliche Aspekte und Herausforderungen für Forschung und Verbraucherschutz’ at FRIAS

January 28th, 2019: Talk by Prof. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Director of the Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim) on ‘Opportunities and Challenges of AI-Systems in Medicine and Neuroscience”

December 20th, 2018, 6 pm: Talk by AssProf. Johanna Thoma (London School of Economics) on "Time for Caution - An Intertemporal Perspective on the Precautionary Principle", Freiburg University, KG I, HS 1010

December 19th, 2018: Talk by AssProf. Johanna Thoma (London School of Economics) on philosophical aspects of the precautionary principle as a tool for risk management of emerging technologies

December 17th, 2018: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky, HUMSS Colloquium at FRIAS 

December 8th, 2018: Public outreach and science communication event on invasive medical technologies and body image at FRIAS

December 3rd, 2018: Master class for PhD student and PostDocs by Nobel Laureate Prof. Thomas Südhof (Standford University) at FRIAS

November 29th, 2018: Talk by Prof. Wolfram Burgard and Dr. Benedikt Wolfers (Posser Spieth Wolfers & Partners law firm, Berlin) on the technical and legal challenges of autonomous vehicles (Picture, video record)

October 23rd, 2018: Kick-off event about the work plan and key ideas of the research focus Responsible Artificial Intelligence

June 29th, 2018: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Governance - Bridge the "Bottom Up" "Top Down Divide", Panel contribution at FRIAS

June 27th, 2018: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Governance Herausforderungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz" at Graz University

May 4th, 2018: Discussion by Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer and Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "The end for freedom of thought? On the commercial use of big brain data, re:publica 2018, Berlin (press release, video record)

April 17th-18th, 2018: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on the "Evaluation and Impact of Existential Risks according to Public International Law" at the Jesus College, Cambridge/UK (Cover, video record)

July 25th, 2017: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Regeln für Ungeregeltes? Aktuelle Herausforderungen durch Forschung und Technik für das Völkerrecht im 21. Jahrhundert" at the yearly meeting of the New University Foundation ("Neue Universitätsstiftung") Freiburg

May 11th, 2017: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Regeln für Ungeregeltes? Chancen und Risiken technologischer Entwicklung", Panel contribution, Forum Internationale Ordnung, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

March 9th and 10th, 2017: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "AI Law and Governance" about An Intelligent Future - Explore Opportunities for Collaboration on Artificial Intelligence and Society, CFI (Center for the Future of Intelligence), British Embassy, Berlin

March 2nd, 2017: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Catastrophic Risks as a Consequence of Scientific an Technical Progress, a Legitimate Governance Regime and the Impact of Public International Law" at Yale Law School, New Haven/US

May 4th, 2016: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Legitimate Governance of Existential Risks" within the framework of the Symposium on "Human Rights, Democracy, and Legitimacy in the 21st Century" at Harvard Law School, Cambridge/US

April 20th, 2016: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Human Rights as Basic for Governing Existential Risks" at the Center for the Studies of Existential Risks, Robinson College, Cambridge/UK

April 6th, 2016: Talk by Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky on "Existential Risks by Scientific Experiments and Technological Progress: Hard Questions - No International Human Rights Law?" within the framework of the Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge/US